What is this?

An interface to make calls to the pingme server. This allows you to send arbitrary notifications to your android phone, provided you have the android application installed.

How does this work?

It is just sending post calls to the server with the correct arguments. If you want to make your own calls to the server you can do so with this structure.

Content-Type: application/json

An example curl request would look like this

curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"device_id":["PUTIDHERE"],"message":"TEST MESSAGE"}' https://ping.blu3f1re.com/ping/

To get a device id you must download the Android app from the app store.


I wrote this for 2 use cases. I wanted a way to ping my phone when a long running job completed on my servers.:

cp -r reallybigdirectory/ newfilesystem/ ; pingme

Also I thought it would be useful for sending myself alerts for some of the scripts I write. Before I was using emails but I would not notice them for hours. Notifications are much easier to see quickly. Any script that can make web requests can ping your phone.